Purpose of White Ghettos
A Good White Town. A Good Clean White Town. A Good White Town to Live In and a Good White Place to Raise Your White Children.
Yet, beneath the tranquil small town exterior is a roiling inferno of fraud, corruption, treachery, hypocrisy, class warfare & ill-suppressed sex of all varieties: Adultery, sadism, homosexuality & incest.
Whites are emotional volcanoes who have to keep a lot of White guilt hidden to believe themselves superior. The slightest thing can set them off, so steer clear.
White-Devil Dictionary
- Acting White:
- Whites claiming to accept People of Color as equals so long as People of Color suppress their humanity and serve the interests of Whites.
- Affirmative Action:
- Unearned privilege to which Whites are automatically entitled; ie, Racial quotas for Whites
- Unearned advantage for which People of Color must be be condemned; ie, Racial quotas for Blacks.
- Ally:
- Political friend who fears the same people Whites do.
- Angry White Male:
- Lazy man angry about his inability to re-construct reality for his sole benefit. A secondary cause is White Guilt.
- Anti-Racist:
- White seeking respite from White Guilt;
- Black person living in dignity and self-respect.
- Arranged Marriage:
- White inbreeding.
- Barbarism:
- People of Color controlling everything; ie, the opposite of Civilization.
- Black Revenge:
- The White claim that People of Color want to oppress Whites with Reverse Racism. This is really richly-deserved-but-imagined Black revenge for centuroies of White supremacy. An implicit revelation for the basic reason Whites hang-onb to White supremacy - to ward-off such revenge; while maintaining White Supremacy.
- Bogus Asylum-Seeker:
- Bogus Asylum-Seekers are actually, themselves, deemed to have become bogus - not their act; ie, not fit to be treated as really human. Yet no-one else is referred to as, say, a bogus Jobseeker or a bogus benefits’-claimant. (Related to the concept of Illegal Immigrant.)
- Civilization:
- Whites controlling everything; ie, the opposite of Barbarism.
- Cultural Identity:
- That which People of Color possess instead of the need for Political & Economic power over others.
- Debate:
- Circular arguments disguised as common sense.
- Democracy:
- Political system for ensuring People of Color obtain little political power; ie, a system Whites never favor when they are in the minority; eg, British India, Apartheid South Africa, British Hong Kong, Bermuda, Australia, etc. Also a political system for sanctioning the irrationality of the majority over minority groups.
- Diversity:
- Political distraction from the constant White need for personal attention.
- Emotional repression
- Hiding personal insecurities through politeness.
- Equal Opportunity:
- Tokenistic racial quotas; allowing Whites to believe White supremacy is normal & natural.
- Equality:
- Whites telling People of Color that Positive Discrimination/Affirmative Action is unfair to Whites; while White supremacy is fair to People of Color.
- Equity
- Heads Whites win; tails Blacks lose.
- Erotophobia:
- Fear that People of Color are sexually-attractive to Whites.
- Ethics:
- Philosophical conceits getting in the way of what Whites want.
- Ethnic majority:
- Largest ethnic group living in any given part of the world.
- Ethnic minority:
- Any People of Color living in White-controlled parts of the world.
- Ethnicity:
- Something everyone possesses - even Whites.
- Ethnic:
- Something Whites never are.
- Fairness
- Equity.
- Free Speech
- Statements only Whites are allowed to make.
- Friend:
- Political ally who fears the same people Whites do.
Forbidden Fruit
:- Whites enjoying sex with People of Color.
- Gated Community:
- White ghetto.
- Humor:
- Can be directed at People of Color - with impunity - but not at Whites.
- Identity:
- Something to wear; depending on whom one wishes to impress.
- Illegal Immigrant:
- An undocumented migrant who actually appears to become illegal merely by lacking autochthonous identity-documentation, as opposed to someone who merely acts illegally - who is never described as an illegal burglar or an illegal murdferer. (Related to the concept of Bogus Asylum-Seeker.)
- Immigration Control:
- The White fear that People of Color will become the new ethnic majority and treat Whites as Whites have always treated People of Color.
- Inequality:
- Natural state of affairs; rendering fairness unnecessary.
- Institutional Racism:
- Designed to provide Whites with psychological and material benefits in perpetuity because of their alleged superiority.
- Integration:
- People of Color doing what Whites tell them to do - appeasement which has no benefits for People of Color. The White need to brainwash others results from the fear created by never knowing whether or not People of Color like them. (See also: Segregation.)
Je Suis Charlie
:Fuck Muslims!
(When People of Color are killed for exercising their right to free speech, Whites never express solidarity.)- Judge of Character:
- Something Whites can never be since Whites never judge others (or themselves) by their character or their behavior. (See also: Anaïs Nin - we don't judge others by who they are, but by who we are.)
- Justice:
- White dominion over everyone else.
- Law:
- Political system for protecting Whites from People of Color.
- Merit:
- Something Whites automatically possesss but which all
must earn. - Miscegenation:
- The decline in the number of Whites in favor of an increase in the number of People of Color.
- Morality:
- Philosophical conceits getting in the way of what Whites want. (See also: Ethics)
- Multiculturalism:
- Revealing Whites as not the best at everything.
- Nationality:
- That which Whites confuse with Ethnicity.
Not All White people are racist!
:Fuck you, Nigger
.- Nigger:
- How Whites label a People of Color; or,
- a Person of Color who spends too much time with Whites; ie, more than 20%.
:- Any Whitespeak beginning this way really means:
Our White…
- Passive aggression:
- Tolerance.
- Patriotism:
- The last refuge of the racist. People of Color must agree to be labeled by their nationality, but judged by their ethnicity.
- Penis Size:
- Whites believe Black people will out-breed them - even in largely-White countries; ie,
Oh, my God! You’re tearing me apart!
- People of Color:
- Everyone not identifying as White.
- Personal life:
- Politics in the bedroom.
- Pet:
- Friend substitute.
- Playing the Race Card:
- Reminding Whites of White guilt: Blaming Black people for the benefits Whites obtain from White supremacy.
- Politeness
- Emotional repression and Passive Aggression.
- Political Correctness
- Substitute for political discourse - equivalent to Newspeak - the major cause of paranoid schizophrenia among Whites.
- Pornography
- Substitute for a fulfilling love-life.
- Positive Discrimination:
- Unearned privilege to which Whites are automatically entitled; ie, Racial quotas for Whites
- Unearned advantage for which People of Color must be be condemned; ie, Racial quotas for Blacks.
- Protestant Work Ethic:
- Keeping busy to evade the realisation one has no friends.
- Racist:
- White person who believes his achievements are solely his own, unaided work.
- Race Card:
- Card that only People of Color can play; but from which only Whites benefit.
- Race Relations:
- Never taking People of Color seriously.
- Racewar:
- Attempt to prevent People of Color revealing Whites are just like everybody else.
- Racism:
- That which only benefits Whites, but which Whites claim does not exist.
- Rat Race:
- Whites confusing material success with personal pride.
- Reality:
- White supremacy is natural.
- Reverse Racism:
- That which can only benefit Whites and which Whites claim does exist. This is really richly-deserved-but-imagined Black revenge for centuroies of White supremacy. An implicit revelation for the basic reason Whites hang-onb to White supremacy - to ward-off such revenge; while maintaining White Supremacy.
- Segregation:
- People of Color not doing what they are told to do by Whites, in order to preserve their cultural identity. (See also: Integration.)
- Sexual Repression:
- Suppressing ones sexuality to make one appear ‘above that sort of thing’ compared to those who embrace theirs. (Explains why White males are so frightened of White females.)
- Superiority:
- Suppressing ones humanity to make one appear better than those who embrace theirs.
- Talent:
- That which few People of Color possess; eg, nearly all Academy Awards are won by Whites.
- Tolerance:
- Passive aggression.
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- War on Terror:
- Attempt to prevent People of Color revealing Whites are terrified; eg,
Keep Calm and Carry On
. - White Culture:
- Neurotic political system needing constant valorization through endemic hostility to all other cultures; ie, The Personal is Political.
- White Guilt:
- Belief that White supremacy is morally-wrong and that People of Color are, therefore, culturally superior to Whites and fully-justofied in taking revenge on Whites for it. (Occasioned by the fact that all Whites benefit from the same attitudes that led to the building of Auschwitz.)
- White People:
- A people defining themselves solely by what they are not.
- White Pride:
- False pride substituting for a lack of personal achievements.
- White Privilege:
- Conflating merit with genetics.
- White Society:
- People of Color accepting the permanence of White supremacy; Whites accepting the permanence of White Guilt.
- White Supremacy:
- Fear that if People of Color treated Whites as Whites treat People of Color, there would be permanent Racewar.
- Whitespeak:
- Anything a White says being automatically and unquestionably true.
- White Trash:
- Whites taking out their own trash - rather than forcing someone else to do so; while pretending that they are a better kind of White.
- Xenophobia:
- White belief People of Color will treat Whites as Whites treat People of Color.
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Copyright © 2015 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog (http://weirdwhites.blogspot.co.uk) is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.
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