Saturday, 14 February 2015

Charlie Hebdo

Whites are Charlie Hebdo

Free Speech ain’t Free

All Actions Have Consequences

Hypocritical White revulsion at the murder of twelve Whites for exercising their White-given right to Free Speech is expected to grow; consistent White revulsion at Whites who mock the religious beliefs of others is expected to decrease.

Whites are still asserting their right to offend, but not to be offended - all to evade the fact that Whites use offensiveness because they know they are going to lose any argument attempting to justify their right to offend - so they might just as well be offensive from the get-go.

Whites still have yet to learn the difference between mockery and criticism, because the latter would be to admit that what is being attacked is worthy of fair treatment - not something for which Caucasians are famous.

Conflating the Personal with the Political means Whites taking Political comments Personally. The view that all of life is give and take and nothing is to be shared explains White hostility and loneliness when others disagree. Only Whites believe they possess the right not to be offended, which is why White Websites are so heavily moderated - in case the truth finds its way in. Thus, by claiming the alleged right not to be offended, Whites claim the right to offend - to offend those they fear most. When Whites talk of Free Speech, the mean Free Speech for Whites - others must keep their mouths closed on pain of death.

Whites now increasingly find that they have to justify their behavior rather than expecting it to be automatically accepted as normal. Non-Whites and Jews have always had to be careful what they say, within White hearing, for fear of being killed – now Whites are getting a taste of their own medicine.

Western Whites never have to self-determine since White supremacy is a given for them and only requires the effort to blank-out reality and pretend White guilt was invented by Black people to make it work. Yet Whites now suddenly find their cherished belief that Whites are entitled to speak as they please is not as consequenceless as they had hoped.

Whites will cower: Nothing makes one shut up more than the threat of being killed for speaking out. Whites call it Terrorism precisely because they are the ones terrified. As with White supremacy, Whites will bite their tongues and evade the issue rather than face the fact that they are not truly civilized by virtue of the fact that they initiated the terror in the first place.

No matter how angry and fearful Whites are at Muslims, they will focus more on keeping their White supremacy to themselves in future than in openly-expressing it because few Whites are actually prepared to die for their beliefs – they have always expected others to die for them and their White beliefs.

As Whites are condemned for using White supremacist expressions like “With Us or Against Us”, “Illegal Immigrant” or “Bogus Asylum-Seeker”, Whites now face the choice of abandoning Free Speech for Whites and replacing it with Responsible Speech for All. This will never happen, of course - so more Whites must prepare to die for their White beliefs.

Copyright © 2015 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.

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