Whites pretending their loneliness is caused by their genitals
There is no such thing as sex addiction - only loneliness. As usual with Whites they claim that anything they do that they know is psychopathological lifestyle choice is the product of human nature - and not just their own. That, like the disease-based claims surrounding alcoholism, it is something they cannot refrain from doing because of their physiological makeup. This is a very convenient means of escaping personal responsibility and, like those who prefer receiving benefits to working for a living, effectively makes them wards of the state - since the state must pick up the pieces in terms of STDs, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, etc. Whites invented psychiatry precisely to claim their psychological problems were the product of human nature rather than their own precisely to avoid growing up and taking adult responsibility. Whites want to valorize and validate their own psychosis and neurosis in the cloak of pseudo-science. White culture is endemically-empty and so play-acting of this kind – and then effectively boasting about it afterwards – is inevitable.
Joyce WALTERS' bone fides are not listed here and so she is almost certainly an unqualified charlatan.
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