Friday, 15 March 2013

Three Brilliant Black Leaders Tuning Out Obama

Yet another White supremacist trying to tell Blacks what to do - as if slavery had never been abolished.

Nowhere is there a mention of White supremacy because the author is confused over whether she is against President Obama's policies or whether she just cannot stomach a Black man in the White House.

Gun control would help Whites improve their lives, since they are the ones most likely go on on a rampage with a semi-automatic against other Whites. Gun control is not gun abolition, so no-one is disarmed against those who illegally own weapons. Blacks have shown the lead here since they need weapons more than Whites do to protect themselves against White supremacists, but have not been so ready to resort to violence to solve their problems as Whites historically have been.

Healthcare as outlined can only work if people work more often than they are sick – and if they are socially responsible. If not, they are going to die through a lack of contributions. There is also no explanation as to why socialised medicine leads to the death of private healthcare when it does not in the other countries in which it was tried.

This author does to admit why Blacks are poorer than Whites – White supremacist capitalism – and so ruins her own argument by claiming capitalism can make Blacks richer; while ignoring the fact that it cannot make them White. The logical conclusion is that Blacks and Whites should be racially-segregated in their capitalist practices, but she never mentions this. There is no talk of welfare recipients here when they are White (corporate welfare) only when they are Black. Blacks must work hard to escape poverty but Whites do not, since they are best placed to benefit from Institutional Racism. The American Dream created by Whites was a racist trap for Blacks, so there can be no talk of taking advice from Whites who benefit from such White hypocrisy.

In the end, of course, what this writer is doing is speak against a Black president through his Black critics in order to avoid being called a White supremacist by talking through his White critics. But since her writing drips with a condescending tone toward Blacks who do not agree with her, she merely reveals her KKK inclinations and her inability to see beyond skin color as a badge of identity and to face the fact that Whites have a strong sense of racial grievance because Whites cannot convince Blacks that they are no longer White supremacist – especially when Whites still vote on the basis of skin color. Blacks vote on the basis of protecting themselves from White supremacy; Whites on the basis of protecting White supremacy. Whites call both groups racist – as if the self-defense of the former were a negative. There is also no recognition that President Obama's popularity is because his White opponents are such poor quality Whites who live in fear of soon becoming an oppressed minority. Here Whites show their racial resentment of the fact that White leaders are not good and have nowhere to lead Whites.

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